NJCAIP NJ Commercial Auto Insurance Plan Quotes

Good News! We have New Jersey Commercial Auto Insurance Plan NJCAIP coverage available.

NJCAIP Plan Quotes Business Auto Policy Programs.
NJ Commercial Auto Insurance.

If you have been refused New Jersey commercial auto insurance or have a non renewal notice for your business compare rates from the NJCAIP state assigned risk plan.

The plan insures all kinds of unique and regular business types including big rig NJ trucking insurance, contractors, buses, taxi’s and many other business types.

Send us your information to get started right away with NJ CAIP Plan Insurance Quotes.


NJCAIP, New Jersey Commercial Auto Insurance Plan offers coverage to those having problems getting or keeping coverage.  It may be more expensive for some risks but could keep you insured and out on the road making money.

What is NJCAIP – NJ Commercial Auto Insurance Plan?

NJ CAIP is the state of New Jersey mechanism for eligible Commercially Registered Vehicles in the state of New Jersey that are not insurable immediately in the NJ Voluntary or NJ Preferred Commercial Auto Insurance Markets. Established January 1, 1984 under N.J.S.A. 17:29D-1 and implemented by N.J.A.C. 11:3-1.2, to provide coverage for a commercial automobile risks that are unable to obtain coverage in the NJ commercial auto insurance voluntary market. {source NJCAIP.NET}

High Risk Truck Insurance and business Automobile Liability coverage’s are available in Combined Single Limits (CSL), beginning at 35,000. Increased limits are available for 50,000, 100,000, 300,000, 500,000, 750,000 1,000,000. Federal, State or Municipal laws may require your business to have higher limits and we could discuss these in detail. Higher limits like 1,000,000 & $5,000,000 CSL for buses are be available however, higher limits may require evidence that the limits are required.

The following are eligible to apply for this NJ CAIP special coverage. Examples include Large Trucks, Buses, Bus Fleets, Contractors Vehicles and many other classes of risk that seem too high risk for most regular insurance companies. Truck Fleet insurance coverage is available.

We will help you insure one vehicle to a large fleet of vehicles.  Get started early to make sure you don’t find yourself without commercial insurance as that could cause a rate increase going forward for several years.

NJ CAIP insures non emergency medical transport vehicle.
NJ CAIP insures non emergency medical transport vehicles.